希浪作品合集  DVD Release

Love, Home, Dreams and Others  

5 Short Films by Tham Wai Fook and Foo Mee Teng

光碟 1 / Disc 1: 

Rompin 弄边 (2010, 38min) 
光碟2 /  Disc 2: 

有意购买者请联络 / Contact:  info@xilangproductions.com / (+6019) 381 2556
  • 售价 / Price: RM20 (国内邮寄 via domestic mail: RM25) 
  • 附中英字幕及制作花絮照片 / With Chinese & English Subtitles and Making Of Photos
  • 附送 《母亲三部曲 /  FREE "The Mothers Trilogy” DVD 

希浪作品合集  DVD Release

《母亲三部曲  The Mothers Trilogy

3 Short Films by Tham Wai Fook and Foo Mee Teng


For free distribution   

We produced this DVD to promote filial piety. You are most welcome to copy, print, distribute or broadcast it. Your donation and support are greatly appreciated.

联络 / Contact:  info@xilangproductions.com /  +6019-3812556

助印名单 Donation List:
1) Jul 2013, 100 copies, by Xilang Productions
2) Aug 2013, 100 copies, by Xilang Productions 

最新作品   Latest Works

《饭 Meal 




由Diamond 慈善基金会呈献、希浪制作、谭伟富执导的公益短片《饭》,送给天下母亲,祝愿天下母亲快乐幸福!


Behind a meal, a silent mother. 

A mother prepares her son's daily meals but he rewards her with only complaints......"Meal", is a charity short film presented by Yayasan NEP Diamond Trust Fund Foundation to all mothers around the world. Produced by Xilang Productions and directed by Tham Wai Fook. Wishing the most happiness to all mothers!

最新作品   Latest Works

《菩萨保佑 Pusa Baoyou (May Bodhisattva Bless You)


Dedicated to everyone, especially those who have always silently given their warmth to others.





最受欢迎短片 Our Most Popular Short Film

《孝》 Xiao/Filial Piety  3百万点击率!3 million views! ] 


《孝》是为推广孝道而制作的结缘品,欢迎索取或助印,以让它更广泛流传!/ Get a free copy now, or help us to print more to promote filial piety!
联络 / Contact:  info@xilangproductions.com /  +6019-3812556

敬请期待   Coming Soon

公益短片  Public Welfare Short Films

 一系列 部短片,让我们一起从日常生活探讨生命的意义。